News That Stays News

     Many of us have gotten used to opening our eyes in the morning, rubbing the sleep out of our eyes, and immediately reaching for the cell phone. Experts in mental well-being tell us this is a bad idea, yet we often compound the mistake by immediately checking the news. During a pandemic! In the midst of an economic catastrophe! It all but guarantees a stressful start to the day.
     For a more meditative and mindful morning, we might consider starting the day with a poem. To read a poem properly, you have to slow down and pay attention. (Om.)
     Here are some poetic options for those who insist upon scanning the phone before getting out of bed.

     -- The Slowdown is a podcast from erstwhile poet laureate Tracy K. Smith in which she reads you a poem (usually from a contemporary writer) in her rich, expressive voice every weekday. It's like a cup of chamomile that makes you more well-read. Available for both Android devices and Apple / iOS devices.

Tracy K. Smith

     -- Audio Poem of the Day from the Poetry Foundation feeds verse to your ears every day, weekends included. An assortment of poets and actors take turns performing verse both modern and not. (Android, Apple / iOS)

on the wings of poesy

     -- If you're not coordinated enough to fumble around for earbuds at six in the a.m. you might download the foundation's POETRY app. (Why does it have such an EMPHATIC name? Unknown.) This app has thousands of poems in it, and encourages you to find the one that best suits your mood. There's also a "spin" function meant to give you a randomized selection, if one is desired. (Android, Apple / iOS)

Wheel! of! Verse!

      Remember the old Ezra Pound dictum that "literature is news that stays news." CNN can wait until after breakfast.


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