The Many Fields of Green

     John Green is a busy guy. He writes acclaimed, best-selling novels like The Fault in Our Stars and Paper Towns that appeal to teens, adults, and Hollywood alike. He and his brother Hank are pioneering YouTube vloggers; together they have created a virtual community of "nerdfighters" that raises vast sums for worthy charities. Hank & John also founded Crash Course, which creates educational videos so fun and so well-made that schools wisely employ them on a regular basis.

This is John Green. Okay? Okay.

     Oh, and the guy loves poetry -- nut just the classics, but the stuff being written in these times of dank memes and Tik Tok. Thus he teamed up with the Poetry Foundation to launch a YouTube channel called Ours Poetica. Its videos are simple. A reader (who is sometimes also the writer) recites a poem while its words appear on a page. The poems are good, so nothing more is needed.

     Ours Poetica offers an easy way to get a taste of today's verse while taking a break from cat videos. (Don't worry, just a short break.)


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