
     Happy Wednesday, everyone...did you know it was Wednesday? We had to look it up.
     Today we bring you a piece of original verse from our colleague Deb, who has clearly been making the best of things during quarantine.

image from pxfuel
     What brings me joy is getting together with friends,
      oh, not in person, that's a no-no at this time but on line; 
     we dance Latin and I love to find their smiles shine,
      love to organize my art, paints, pencils and pens.
     Walks each day brings happiness for Spring is here,
      have started a nature journal of sketches, words;
      I am getting accomplished at sketching those wild birds,
      life is adjusting and I am somehow filled with cheer.
     My cat is blissful to have me home for this time,
      lots of writing, meditating, painting and deep thinking;
     with all the walks and exercise I am shrinking,
      have seedlings thriving, flowers, basil, oregano, thyme.
     Social distancing is a drastic thing for us to endure,
      have found things within myself that I never knew before.


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