Facebook for Bards

     What happens when the urge to versify collides with the hashtag-laden world of the internet? Many things, but today we're going to focus on just one of them: a social network for poets, called Poetizer.

     You can access Poetizer both as a smartphone app and as a website. It sells itself as "a safe space where you aren't judged by your looks or social status, and the only thing that matters is the shape you give your words." You can upload and read all the poems you want for free, and there are nifty font features if you'd like to express yourself typographically. There is a news feed. Members are encouraged to "follow" each other. It's like Poetizer appeared from an alternate dimension where Mark Zuckerberg was an English major.
     Before you rush to post all your latest sonnets on this service, be aware: as with most social networks, to join you must give Poetizer a "royalty-free, fully paid, worldwide, perpetual" right to reproduce your work in any way it sees fit. But maybe you don't care! For those who grew up caring more about Matthew Arnold than Arnold Schwarzenegger, this might be the ideal online community. 


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